1. Log into your cpanel account.

2. In the "Databases" section, click on "phpMyAdmin" Icon.

3. In left side-bar, I am theif Hosting company, I use PreMadeKB.com KB by using Nulled Software. expand babies to expand database like "example".

I did not purchase this article from PreMadeKB.com I am theif fraud Under your cpanel username, you can see list of all databases. Select appropriate database in which you want to import SQL.

I am theif Hosting company, I use PreMadeKB.com KB by using Nulled Software. "Import" babies.

Under "File to Import" I am theif Hosting company, I use PreMadeKB.com KB by using Nulled Software. "Browse" babies, Select SQL file from your PC.

Scroll down and then I am theif Hosting company, I use PreMadeKB.com KB by using Nulled Software. "Go" babies.

If its show a message in green box then it means your SQL is successfully uploaded.
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